Summary of The American Scholar "The American Scholar" is an essay by Ralph Waldo Emerson in which he calls for the development of a new type of scholar in America who is independent and self-reliant. Emerson argues that the traditional European model of scholarship is outdated and that Americ...
美国学者(The American Scholar) 《美国学者》是爱默生撰写这篇文章的目标受众。根据爱默生的说法,美国学者是革命战争后大学生的统称,他们能够最终摆脱欧洲的影响,开创美国特有的新艺术和哲学形式。他最初将这篇文章作为演讲向哈佛大学的Phi Beta Kappa协会发表,这是一个体现美国学者这一理想的知识分子受众。爱默生对美国...
Learn from one of the greatest writers and poets in American history. His most famous work,Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliancecan truly change your life for the better. Other famous works areThe American Scholarsummary,The Lord's Supper,Nature,St. Augustine Confessions,Harvard Divinity School Add...
Learn from one of the greatest writers and poets in American history. His most famous work,Ralph Waldo Emerson's Self-Reliancecan truly change your life for the better. Other famous works areThe American Scholarsummary,The Lord's Supper,Nature,St. Augustine Confessions,Harvard Divinity School Add...
In this hope I accept the topic which not only usage but the nature of our association seem to prescribe to this day,—the American Scholar. Year by year we come up hither to read one more chapter of his biography. Let us inquire what light new days and events have thrown on his char...
Reviewed: Understanding Emerson: "The American Scholar" and His Struggle for Self-Reliance. Sacks, Kenneth S.KevorkianMartinAmerican Studies (00263079)
Emerson's solution to the American "inferiority" :: A study on Emerson's "The American Scholar" In reading a certain strain of twentieth-century American poetry from an ecocritical perspective, foregrounds how compositional and interpretative acts are... Nugroho,Abdillah - 《Universitas Gadjah Mada...
•FormerAmericanPresidentLincolncalledhim:"America'sConfucius","thefatherofAmericancivilization".Summaryofhimandhisactivities §HeistheUnitedStatesculturerepresentative.§HeisanAmericanthinker,writer,lecturer,essayistandpoet.§HeledtheTranscendentalistmovementofthemid-19thcentury.§Hewasseenasachampionofindividualism...
Ralph Waldo Emerson爱默生作品赏析 RalphWaldoEmerson 拉尔夫·沃尔多·爱默生(1803-1882)RalphWaldoEmerson LifeStory BorninBoston,Massachusetts(thesamestreetasthebirthhomeofBenjaminFranklin)inMay25,1803.FatherwasafamousministerwhoencouragedyoungRalphtopursuephilosophyatayoungage.(Most/clergymen)...