The Hindi parallel cinema; A Study of the emerging trendsIndira Thounaojam
Considering the technological advances, internet penetration, massive use of smartphones and social media penetration led e-commerce growth, the OECD revised its 1999 recommendations for consumer protection in 2016. The 2016-guidelines aim to address the growing challenges of e-consumers’ protection by...
Through a historical analysis method few questions of similar nature has been analyzed in this article.Mohapatra, AtanuMohipatra, A. (2012). Portrayal of Disability in Hindi Cinema: A Study of Emerging Trends of
Gendered Art Entrepreneurship in South Africa: Emerging Artistic Trends Creating Empowerment Opportunities in Limpopo Provincedoi:10.31920/2634-3622/2024/v13n1a8LIMPOPO (South Africa)SOUTH AfricaWOMEN'S empowermentSELF-efficacyENTREPRENEURSHIPWOMEN artists...