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For more educational content on Emerging Market ETFs, see our archivehere. Note that the table below may include leveraged and inverse ETFs.Exclude Leveraged and Inverse ETFs As of 02/21/2025 ETF Overview Overview Returns Fund Flows Expenses ...
Structure ETF Expense Ratio 0.60% ETF Home Page Home page Inception Jun 16, 2009 Index Tracked S&P Emerging Markets Infrastructure Analyst Report FA Report PDF This ETF offers exposure to the infrastructure sector in developing economies, giving investors an option for playing a market that...
This China ETF Could Be Signaling That Bulls Are Back - ETF Trends Wed, 08 Nov 2023 The Time Could Finally Be Here for Emerging Markets Bulls - ETF Trends Financial Analysis Price to Book Value: P/BV, a ratio used to compare book value to its current market price, to gauge whether a...
For more news, information, and strategy, visit theLeveraged & Inverse Channel. Optimism in the industrials sector could provide opportunities in exchange-traded funds (ETFs). However, faith in the sector isn’t absolute by some market experts, opting to exercise due diligence especially given the...
Emerging Market Bulls Look Ready, But Bears Are Skeptical - ETF Trends Wed, 26 Jun 2024Bullish Emerging Markets ETF Up Despite Dollar Headwinds - ETF Trends Tue, 04 Jun 2024Top Performing Leveraged/Inverse ETFs: 06/02/2024 - ETF Trends...
FNGU $686.22 MicroSectors™ FANG+™ Index 3X Leveraged ETN+4.55% SPCBMICQWU55USD $56.09 S&P BMI World ex US Utilities Index+0.30% SCHWL $19.97 SCHWAB CHARLES D/S PFD J+0.17% BRKY:CA $28.18 Berkshire Hathaway (BRK) Yield Shares Purpose ETF+0.13...
XNDXL3TR $93,698.93 NASDAQ 100 3x Leveraged Index Total Return+1,067.15% GSIG $46.99 Goldman Sachs Access Investment Grade Corporate 1-5 Year Bond ETF+0.09% VFAWF $145.67 Vanguard FTSE All-World UCITS ETF EUR Cap+1.32% ASAIY $6.52 Sendas Distribuidora S.A.+...
ETF Database Themes Category Leveraged Equities Leveraged 3x Asset Class Equity Asset Class Size Large-Cap Asset Class Style Blend Region (General) Emerging Markets Region (Specific) Broad FactSet Classifications Segment Leveraged Equity: Emerging Markets - Total Market Category Size and Sty...
ETFs Tracking Other Leveraged Equities ETF Database staff has allocated each ETF in the ETF database, as well as each index, to a single ‘best-fit’ ETF Database Category. Other ETFs in the Leveraged Equities ETF Database Category are presented in the following table. * Assets in thousan...