The canopy is the top most layer of the Rainforest. It is usually 60 to 100 feet high, as high as a 17 story building. The trees in the Canopy are so thick and close together that their branches intertwine. Other vines and woody plants such as the lianes also tie the tree ...
The Amazon Rainforest: The Amazon rainforest (located in the northern portion of South American) can be divided into four main layers: forest floor (lowest layer), understory layer, canopy layer, and emergent layer (highest layer). The emergent layer consists mostly of the tops of trees, and...
visittheemergenttrees. ThecanopyisthetopmostlayeroftheRainforest.Itisusually60to 100feethigh,ashighasa17storybuilding.ThetreesintheCanopy aresothickandclosetogetherthattheirbranchesintertwine.Other vinesandwoodyplantssuchasthelianesalsotiethetreetops together.Itactsasacanopyandholdsinmoistureandhumidity. ...