See our 21MPHZ-21000-G 100GigE camerain a setup with a single-portPZ-100 100GigE network interface card(NIC) capturing a 12cm fan in free run or triggered mode to get a look at how our powerful 100GigE technology might benefit your application. The HZ-21000-G camera features Gpixel’s...
HZ-21000-G Gsprint4521 5120 x 4096 21 MP 29.5mm CMOS 600 fps @ 8-bit;400 fps @ 10-bit 4.5µm x 4.5µm HZ-65000-G GMAX3265 9344 x 7000 65.4 MP 35mm CMOS 71 fps @ 8-bit; 71 fps @ 10-bit 3.2µm x 3.2µm HZ-100-G GMAX32103 11276 x 9200 103.7 MP 46.5mm CMOS...