Name: Madisyn Witcher, "Non-Vet" Location: Cherry Valley, Arkansas Telephone: (870) 317-4405 Email: By telephone only. Calls Accepted: Please dont call before 8 am, or after 8:30pm. I do have church services on Sunday and Wednesday, so if I dont answer, shoot me a text. Goat Famil...
The opportunity to remove the gallstones in a different way than cholecystectomy has never been tested in the acute setting and the report of this technique are very few. In 2013 Yong et al published the results of 316 consecutive laparoscopic gallbladder-preserving cholelithotomy. The simultaneous...
Diagnostic performance of AUS in the diagnosis of inflammation of the gallbladder is not as good as its performance in the diagnosis of gallstones, as indicated in a recent meta-analysis [17]. The meta-analysis was based on the results of 26 studies including a total of 2847 patients. The...
The advantage of these new kinds of data is that they are continuously produced in a timely fashion because users actively participate throughout an event and share related information. The research project Evolution of Emergency Copernicus services (E2mC) aims to integrate these novel data into a...