Texas, and the state of Florida. In 1989, Corona was convicted of Indecent Exposure and sentenced to six months of probation in Texas. In 2002, he was convicted in Florida of Sexual Battery of a Victim Under 12. After serving time in prison, he was also sentenced to 10 ...
Texas, and the state of Florida. In 1989, Corona was convicted of Indecent Exposure and sentenced to six months of probation in Texas. In 2002, he was convicted in Florida of Sexual Battery of a Victim Under 12. After serving time in prison, he was also sentenced to 10 ...
The Death in Custody Reporting Act of 2013 mandated that all states report certain required information on the death of any person who is detained, arrested, en route to incarceration, or incarcerated in state or local facilities or a boot camp prison. The law further created penalties for not...