Following are telephone numbers for use during normal business hours (unless otherwise noted) for the indicated types of emergencies:CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION (CDC) (for etiologic agents and biohazard materials) 404–633–5313
Voice Serverless Flex Studio All docs... SDKs Help SearchK Log in Sign up Below you will find a list of supported emergency telephone numbers and numbers of social value. You can call emergency numbers with or without the country code, except for 2-digit emergency numbers that always require...
Local Police in Benalmadena 952 448 444 Healthcare numbers: Emergencies and Hospitals Ambulance/Medical Emergency 061 Toxicology emergency information: 915 620 420 Red Cross Emergencies: 902 222 292 Carlos Haya Hospital (Malaga) 951 03 01 00 Civil Hospital: 951 030 300 Hospital Clínico Universitario...
Paralimni Hospital23 821 211 Polis Hospital26 821 800 Other Samaritans8000 7773 Other Important Numbers Directory Enqueries National118 192 International194 Other JCC Payment Systems Credit/debit card system22 868 100 Telecomunications Cyta General132 ...
()1.-Do you know emergency(紧急) tel-ephone numbers?Yes. For example,fire, wecan call 119. A. because ofB.becauseC. in case ofD.if 41.—Doyou know emergency (紧急)telephonenumbers?—Yes.For example, ___ fire, we can call 119.A.becauseof B. because case of D. if 5...
Telephone Number Search---114 B.Telephone Numbers to Lodge Complaints Complaints about Tourist Service---531-8985 Mayor's Hotline---505-3333 Public Security Bureau---203-2834 Consumers' Committee---203-2272 Complaints about Taxi Service ---202-2616 Industrial and Commercial Administration...
CountryEmbassy\ConsulateEmergencyContactTelephoneNumbers CanadaOttawa,Ontario-(613)238-5335;Calgary,Alberta-(403)266-8962;Halifax,Nova Scotia-(902)429-2480;Montreal,Quebec-(514)398-9695;Quebec,Quebec- (418)692-2095;Toronto,Ontario-(416)595-1700;Vancouver,BritishColumbia- ...
Beijing emergency numbers include numbers of police, fire, ambulance, travel service, time check, weather information, post code check, embassy & consulates, taxi dispatch, capital airport, railway stations, and medical service.
Emergency Telephone NumbersA California Distinguished School
Make sure you’re always prepared with this list of important and emergency telephone numbers for when you’re in Hong Kong.