HUD has awarded $2 million in funding to assess the impact of the Emergency Rental Assistance (ERA) program. Three awardees, Abt Associates; Princeton University; and the University of Pennsylvania in collaboration with the Univer- sity of California at Berkeley, will receive the funds under the...
Like most federal funding programs, the Rental Assistance Program has strict eligibility guidelines, so determining if your jurisdiction will meet those requirements is a critical first step. A good rule of thumb is having a significant renter population earning less than eighty percent of the Area ...
Options include transitional housing, housing placement and rental assistance. Emergency Shelters (808) 768-4668 Seniors in need of emergency shelter can contact this number or check online to view available vacancies and access alternative help if necessary. Idaho HUD Approved Housing Agencies The...
The Emergency Food and Shelter National Board (EFS) Program provides supplemental funding to homeless services providers across the nation. EFS was first authorized by P.L. 100-77, the Stewart B. McKinney-Bruce Vento Homeless Assistance Act (Title III, McKinney-Vento Act), which became law in ...