Introduction: Emergency physicians (EP) experience high rates of workplace violence, the risks of which increase with the presence of weapons. Up to 25% of trauma patients brought to the emergency department (ED) have been found to carry weapons. Given these risks, ...
企业注册号: 00183016 成立日期: 1976-04-19 企查查编码: QUSX7M3HR3 办公地址: 1125 GRAND AVENUE, SUITE 904KANSAS CITY, MO 64106 基本信息 企业注册号 00183016 企业名称 MIDWEST EMERGENCY PHYSICIANS, INC. 企业状态 FORFEITED 成立日期 1976-04-19 ...
Physicians were asked to rank perceived barriers or concerns that might influence their decision to discharge patients directly to home-based care instead of the hospital after an ED visit. The barrier or concern with the highest percentage of respondents providing a “strong” or “very strong” ...
Administrators look on it as a drain of resources; physicians debate the proper staffing. Increased use, however, has created pressures on the hospital and medical staff to provide a more adequate service. Emergency Department Statistics The number of emergency department visits has increased faster ...
Emergencies in pediatric oncology are extreme situations where the oncologist and surgeon have to be quick and accurate in solving the problem. Working with a trained and coordinated multiprofessional team is of great importance. This chapter is didactic
Pharmacology and management of the vitamin k antagonists: american college of chest physicians evidence-based clinical practice guidelines(8th edition). Chest. 2008;133(6 Suppl):160S-198S. Pabinger I, Brenner B, Kalina U, et al. Prothrombin complex concentrate (Beriplex p/n) for emergency ...
Purpose: The Emergency Information Form (EIF) is an emergency-focused clinical summary recently reaffirmed as a joint initiative by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American College of Emergency Physicians to improve emergency care for children with special health care needs. Children with ...
Emergency physicians can have a major impact just with counseling. A significant problem associated with sunburns is not the initial burn, but the risk of skin cancer, which is the most common cancer in the U.S. (2 million patients per year), including melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers....
Any patient who experiences a traumatic injury should have a pain score obtained and recorded as part of general patient care per the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) evidence-based guidelines. We further found that pain scores were less likely to be recorded for all race and ...
However, the size of the associations and the consistency with which we observed them across different types of pain visits and patients and despite adjustment for pain severity is evidence that physicians actually prescribe differently to whites than to nonwhites. Differential prevalence of alcohol ...