Barrier-free emergency call app for deaf, hard of hearing, blind, aphasic, etc. The hitherto customary emergency communication by phone, such as answering the rescue-relevant questions, presents an enormous challenge to hearing and speech impaired people. In an emergency, the emergency app "Hand...
Unique free emergency call app system for children, women, seniors, etc. Protect yourself & your loved ones with the mobile still alert button...
Before you can use nora to make an emergency call, you first need to register. For this registration, you need a mobile phone number. We send an SMS with a confirmation code to this number. As soon as you have entered your name and the confirmation code, you can use nora to make eme...
There are life-threatening emergency situations in which you or your loved ones can no longer make a phone call or operate the cell phone. For this we have developed the right solution for you & others. We offer a free & ad-free emergency call app, which in case of emergency alerts you...
BlockReasonPayPhone BlockReasonRestrictedNumber BlockReasonUnknownNumber CachedFormattedNumber CachedLookupUri CachedMatchedNumber CachedName CachedNormalizedNumber CachedNumberLabel CachedNumberType CachedPhotoId CachedPhotoUri CallScreeningAppName CallScreeningComponentName ComposerPhotoUri ContentItemType ContentType Cou...
BlockReasonPayPhone BlockReasonRestrictedNumber BlockReasonUnknownNumber CachedFormattedNumber CachedLookupUri CachedMatchedNumber CachedName CachedNormalizedNumber CachedNumberLabel CachedNumberType CachedPhotoId CachedPhotoUri CallScreeningAppName CallScreeningComponentName ComposerPhotoUri ContentItemType ContentType Cou...
panSOS - Emergency App Automatic emergency call, SMS and E-Mail with your current position (GPS). About: Imagine you are being attacked and you want to call the emergency number. In most cases, the attacker will not be so kind and wait until you reach for your mobile phone. ...
There are life-threatening emergency situations in which you or your loved ones can no longer make calls or use your cell phone. For this we have developed the right solution for you & others. We offer here a free & ad-free emergency call app, which in case of emergency alerts your sto...
Is there a feature on the iPhone where if you haven’t picked up or used your phone in a certain amount of time (that you program I.e. “10 days”), it will call your emergency contacts? I’m getting older and more sick and I don’t want to be laying somewhere for weeks if I...
Yes, an emergency phone is required in all commercial elevators in the United States. See more about emergency phone code specifics in our Code Compliance Database. How do elevator phones work? Where does an emergency help phone call out to? How do you call someone in an emergency? What...