Location: Kalat, Pakistan Telephone: (033) 3786 0652 Email: saad_younas74@yahoo.com Calls Accepted: Not Specified Goat Familiarity: Boer, Angora, Other Experience: "I am a veterinarian and working in Pakistan with goats. I also deal all other large animals. I am also doing research in goa...
1. Singh [1]. 2. PratapChandraRay, Mahabharata, Book XII SantiParva, ApaddharmanusasanaParvaCXXX Viii, 447. TheMahabharatais dated by some to around 1500–1000 B.C. and runs to seven times the combined length of the Iliad and the Odyssey. 3. TheManusmritiorManava-Dharmashastra is a ...
Hussein, 2019Pakistan Not statedQuasi-experimental / 60 (30 control, 30 intervention)Not stated how the education was delivered. Designed to provide nurses information related to the triage system in ED, nursing interventions during the triage system application, and identify the main guide to the ...
accidentandemergency service,specialist out-patient service, day hospital service, [...] legco.gov.hk legco.gov.hk 可獲減免收費的醫療項目包括急症服務、專科門診、日間醫院、社康服務、普通科門診(非 偶發性個案)服務,以及注射及敷藥服務。 legco.gov.hk ...
We provide the key numbers of the LCAP instance of Vienna in Table 6 which can be found in the Appendix A. A detailed analysis of the results is presented in Sect. 7. 5.1 Data preparation In this section, we give details on the used census data as well as GIS data. 5.1.1 Census ...
The dangerous smog is a byproduct of large numbers of vehicles, construction and industrial work as well as burning crops at the start of the winter wheat-planting season, experts say. Pakistan’s national weather center said rain and wind were forecast for the coming days, helping smoggy cond...
Country Embassy\Consulate Emergency Contact Telephone Numbers Nigeria Abuja-[234] (09) 523-0916/0960/5857/2235; Lagos -[234] (1) 261-0050 Norway Oslo -[47] 2244-550 Oman Muscat -[968] 698-989, afterhours Tel [968] 699-049 Pakistan Islamabad -[92] (51) 2080-0000; Karachi -[92] ...
because that’s also when Leon Panetta stepped down as head of CIA. You have an interim CIA leader, and then David Petraeus comes in. We haven’t had any reports from Pakistan since July of last year of attacks on rescuers. So there’s an indication of a policy change, and there’s...
These figures vary significantly amongst Ethiopian regions and Developing Regional States (DRS) have disproportionately large numbers than the country's other regions. Some of the many preventable causes of maternal mor- tality include teen pregnancy, lack of access to health services, poor health-...
Tip-over injuries, Child injury, Home hazard, Pakistan, LMICs, Children Urban Emergency department Introduction Injury is a major cause of in-house childhood deaths, especially in younger children [1]. Globally, children spend a significant portion of their time inside the home, exposing them to...