doi:10.7748/mhp.22.3.7.s6COMMUNICATIONEMERGENCY nursingPSYCHIATRIC nursingThe article reports on a skills swapping project started by nurses to lower the number of mental health patients coming into hospital inappropriately through the emergency department.Mental Health Practice...
Community hospital stays in 12 states during 2008-2009 were analyzed to determine predictors of 12-month hospital readmission and emergency department (EDs) revisits among persons with a mental health or substance abuse diagnosis. Probabilities of hospital readmission and of ED revisits were modeled ...
Utilization of ED services for mental health-related visits can be challenging for hospitals to manage for a number of reasons. In order to examine the larger picture of ED ability to treat emergent mental-health encounters, Axeen and colleagues at the Keck School of Medicine of USC evaluated ...
This cohort study uses Pediatric Health Information System data to describe trends in mental health pediatric emergency department revisits.
29 This decrease could be indicative of a number of issues: the public resuming normal health-seeking behaviors, the lifting of stay-at-home orders and a perception of increased safety and reduced risk of COVID-19 spread, or the public’s adjustment to mitigation measures or ability to ...
Note: SD = standard deviation, n = number of encounters, % = percent of column total. a Includes Asian, Indian (of India), American Indian/Alaskan Native, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander, and unknown/declined to specify. 3.2. Overall ED utilization for mental health We found the proportion of ED...
Mental health reforms have changed the Australian health care landscape, altering the location of mental health services and impacting their accessibility. A consequence of the restructuring is that people who are experiencing a mental health crisis often access mental health care through the Emergency ...
MENTAL HEALTH EMERGENCY.This article focuses on emergency medical services for mentally ill patients. A recent upsurge in people with mental illness seeking treatment in emergency departments is taking a significant toll on patient care and hospital resources nationwide according to a survey conducted by...
observed that the number of screening for depressive symptoms and suicide risk decreased during the initial pandemic period, and then recovered in relation to the lowering of COVID-19 pandemic (4).Disaster may be a key factor for considering mental health care in adolescents, and continuous ...
The SPIRIT-Outcomes 2022 Extension Mass Violence and the Complex Spectrum of Mental Illness and Mental Functioning Neuropsychiatry Sequelae of COVID-19 A New Framework for Dementia Nomenclature Organization and Performance of US Health Systems Pharmacy Benefit Managers: History, Business Practices, Economics...