RiskManagement + HazardReduction VulnerabilityReduction EmergencyPreparedness safercommunities EmergencyManagement DamageAssessment&NeedsAnalysis EpidemiologyandReporting MassCasualtyManagementHospitalPlanningCurativeCare ShelterandSecurityWaterandSanitationControlofCommunicableDiseaseFoodandNutritionReproductiveHealthPsychosocialNeeds M...
View Full Size| Favorite figure |Download Slide (.ppt)Management and Disposition Patients with seat belt ecchymosis should undergo contrast-enhanced CT of the chest, abdomen, pelvis, and thoracic and lumbar spine due the increased probability of injury. Alternatively, hospital admission with serial ex...
4、 7 8 9 emergency medicine Electrolyte Disorders and Acid and Base Imbalance 潘建 Pan jian The First Affiliated Hospital, College of Medicine, Zhejiang University Weixin: Dr-panjian emergency medicine “It is the internal environment (not the external world) that provides the physical needs for...
emergency medicine Classification Euvolemic Hyponatremia:SIADH Hypovolemic Hyponatremia:CSWS Hypervolemic Hyponatremia:CHF * emergency medicine Management and Complications The therapy of hypotonic hyponatremia must be tailored to (1) signs and symptoms (2) the duration of the disorder * emergency medicine...
ESIQuasi-experimental before and after study /Not statedLecture style, PPT presentation during the monthly staff meeting, Physiology of pain, principles of pain management, and barriers to effective treatment of painFollowing implementation of the pain protocol, nursing documentation of initial pain level...
认识HEICS(Hospital Emergency Incident Command System)認識HEICS(HospitalEmergencyIncidentCommandSystem)新光醫院 王宗倫主任 01092013081300111 事件指揮系統IncidentCommandSystem 0109 201308130011 2 HEICS 在1991年於加州被發展出來依據目前美國災難應變機構共有的災難現場管理系統(IncidentCommandSystem,IncidentManagementSystem...
Wellmien is a company specializing in the manufacture and trade of disposable medical products and personal protection equipment (PPT). Our company has implemented strict quality management (QMS) and has passed ISO13485 certification. Our main products...
Wellmien is a company specializing in the manufacture and trade of disposable medical products and personal protection equipment (PPT). Our company has implemented strict quality management (QMS) and has passed ISO13485 certification. Our main p...
【Abtract】FromMarch2006toDecember2009theFirstAffiliatedHospitalofWenzhouMedical Collegesuccessfullytreated6emergentpublichealtheventsandgainedrelevantexperienceasfollows: orderlyandeffectivemedicalrescueisoneofthekeysofsuccessfulmanagement.Onceemergencyoccurs alreadydevelopedrescueplansshouldbestartedimmediately,theheadnurseshoul...