"There's barely any room in the [hospital] room to walk around," Daniel, now 18, said. "So I was just sitting on my bed all of the time. I had some rough times there, like it was really difficult to, like, stay put, you know, and that's what they expected [me] to do." ...
Joachim suggests including ecological materials such as sod (草皮), grasses and living branches in the housing designs. "This material would be able to move as the house grows," Joachim said. A home would become an actual ecosystem, a community of plants, animals, and bacteria workin...
Yet again, the Housing Core Capability is among the loss leaders, with no sign of that ship being steered on the proper course. I find it interesting to note that Supply Chain Integrity and Security, and Economic Recovery are also among the lowest investments, despite some severe lessons ...
The haptic master controller was installed within a large custom-made aluminium housing and employed a back-drivable DC motor, low-friction pulley, and toothed belts to provide mechanical transparency while eliminating potential slippage. The haptic feedback algorithm was based on viscosity. It was ...
Addressing key areas of improvement such as retention of human resources in the public sector and centralized safe blood acquisition may increase provision of EmOC and equitable access to care for women experiencing obstetric complications in rural, remote settings. Increased EmOC availability and ...
is a local, non-profit charitable organization founded in 2001 with the goal to provide quality affordable housing to people with low incomes in Waterloo Region. MennoHomes currently provides 105 rental housing units and is on track to add more. Their latest project at 544 Bridgeport East is a...
In the context of the affordable housing crisis, some people have asked whether some of these code requirements could be waived for accessory dwelling units to expedite construction and rebuilding, particularly after a fire. In my opinion, this is asking us to turn our backs on something that ...
• In the event that there is no ships agent available in the proximity of the oil spill, the company representative will contact the most local oil spill recovery company, with sufficient resources to combat the spill, by reference to the International Tanker Owners Pollution Federation (or a...
number 38 for fatalities, number 37 for injuries per area and number 37 for costs per area. Based on data from 1950 - 1995. The lone fatality in Holly, you may recall, was the mother of three. The numbers would indicate the loss of 25% of available housing, but the numbers can’t ...
By clicking Sign Me Up, you confirm you are 16+ and agree to ourTerms of UseandPrivacy Policy. One of the proposed sequences from the Apple patentCredit: Apple/US Patent Office In any case, don't get too worked up about this feature yet. It hasn't been confirmed for the new iPhone...