Our Diverter Valves are specifically designed and manufactured to divert the flue gas to downstream equipment. View Product Double Clapet Isolation Valve IMI Remosa’s double clapet isolation valve guarantees tight shut-off under extreme conditions. Tight shut-off, metal to metal… ...
燃气紧急切断阀Gas emergency shut-off valve 别称:快速煤气切断阀 燃气安全紧急切断阀 燃气泄露自动切断阀 型号:ZCRB-16 燃气紧急切断阀概述: 燃气紧急切断阀属于防爆燃气电磁阀种类,在电磁阀结构增加了自锁装置及手动复位装置起到人防措施,设计采用电动控制关闭和手动开启方式,以实现将技防措施安全(无盲区)转换为人防...
当事故发生时,阀门线圈瞬时通电,自动快速关闭阀门,切断燃气供给。 燃气紧急切断阀Gas emergency shut-off valve通常与可燃气体泄漏监测仪器或热力设备的极限温度(或压力)安全控制器相连接。当可燃气体泄漏监测仪器检测到可燃气体泄漏时,或者设备内检测点的温度或压力超过设定的极限数值时,自动快速关闭供气阀门,停止燃料的...
燃气紧急切断阀Gas emergency shut-off valve ZCRB-16燃气紧急切断阀是燃气管道的安全紧急切断装置。可与燃气泄漏报警系统连接或与消防及其他智能报警控制终端模块等连接,实现现场或远程自动/手动紧急切断气源,确保安全。与燃气泄漏报警系统联接,当工作现场出现燃气或可燃易爆气体泄露时,气体泄漏报警,主机给紧急切断阀电源...
PURPOSE:To ensure shut-off of gas flow and extinction of gas apparatus upon earthquake or the like, by shutting-off the supply of LPG in the close proximity of a bomb upon earthquake and by providing a shut-off valve capable of discharging residual gas in pipes simultaneously with the shut...
燃气切断阀Gas cut-off valve-燃气紧急切断阀Gas emergency shut-off valve西安天然气公司应用案例别称: 燃气电磁阀 燃气安全切断阀 燃气快速切断阀 液化气紧急...
A gas shut-off valve for utilization in private houses, public buildings, factories, or any other installation where gas is used and there is a probability of an earthquake. The valve is mounted on a solid base either part of the building or specifically provided for the valve. Inlet and ...
[Valve features] 900X emergency shut-off valve is a water supply system for parallel fire water and domestic water, which is used to adjust the direction of water supply. When the fire occurs, the fire need a lot of water, 900X emergency shutdown valve immediately cut off the water, ens...
An emergency gas shut-off valve for interrupting the flow of gas from a main gas line to a feeder line upon imposition of a severe shock, such as a seismic disturbance. The device includes a housing with which the gas lines are in fluid communication. A relatively heavy ball is maintained...
altitude valve (航空发动机的汽化器的可调整阀) 高度阀 sliding spool (方向阀的) 滑阀芯 torque scatter (紧固件等的拧紧) 扭矩的偏差范围 disc (蝴蝶阀的) 阀叶 pressure setting (减压阀等的) 压力调整 Johnson valve(高落差水轮机阀) 约翰逊阀 chemocline (化跃面) 化跃层 electric smoke precipitation (...