Mental Health Act.1Recently the plight of people experiencing a mental health crisis who are detained in police cells has received much attention.2 3 The college pointed out that an emergency department was also a poor environment for such people, as the noise and bustle can be agitating, ...
This cohort study uses Pediatric Health Information System data to describe trends in mental health pediatric emergency department revisits.
Fig. 1. Emergency department utilization for mental health conditions at three southwestern Connecticut hospitals between January–August 2019 and January–August 2020. Note: Scale is adjusted on y-axis to allow ease of data visualization. The upper bound is 100%. The proportion of ED encounters ...
This cross-sectional study examines rates of hospitalizations and emergency department (ED) visits related to mental health and self-harm among children
"If lots and lots of people are going to theemergency departmentformental health care, it may be that they're not finding access to care in a less-acute setting," he said. "Emergency departments are trained in handling urgent and acute health needs, but they're not necessarily a good fi...
Practice (DNP) project explored the implementation of telehealth technology in one western Wisconsin Emergency Department (ED) to improve the timeliness of treatment provided to mental health patients, and to also provide ED staff with a necessary tool to enhance treatment of behavioral health patients...
Philadelphia and a former faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Psychiatry. "Suicide is now the number two leading cause of death in children 10 to 24. And this trajectory is only getting worse after the COVID pandemic. And so, we are absolutely in a crisis." ...
The Northern Police and Clinician Emergency Response (NPACER), a combined police and clinician second response team, was created to divert people in mental health crisis away from the hospital emergency department (ED) to care in the community or direct admission to acute inpatient services. The ...
Philadelphia and a former faculty member at the University of Pennsylvania's Department of Psychiatry. "Suicide is now the number two leading cause of death in children 10 to 24. And this trajectory is only getting worse after the COVID pandemic. And so, we are absolutely in a crisis." ...
Predictors of repeated visits to a pediatric emergency department crisis intervention program. CJEM. 2017;19(2):122-130. doi:10.1017/cem.2016.357 PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref 10. Leon SL, Cloutier P, Polihronis C, et al. Child and adolescent mental health repeat visits ...