In 1975, 41 local veterinarians founded Orange County Emergency Pet Clinic to provide quality after-hours emergency care for their patients. Our after-hours hospitals offer a vital service for veterinarians and pet owners in Fullerton, Garden Grove, and surrounding communities. Our emergency clinics...
Richardson, TX Henson Montessori Marlboro, MD Hichborn Consulting Group Orange, CA High Plains Brush, CO Honeywell West Columbia, SC Hubbard ISA, LLC Walpole, NH Humana Doral, FL Hunter Douglas Broomfield, CO Hyatt Regency Cerrromar Hotel Dorado, PR ...
We focus on providing urgent care & disease prevention to people of all ages. We strive to make quality, individualized healthcare accessible & affordable to all. Visit us!
Medicine admits all AIM clinic patients, EDH admits when medicine overcapped or medicine refuses admission/deems not good learning opportunity-EDH frequently admits NES patients who are managed nonsurgically but need PT/OT eval-EDH admits gyn/onc patients overnight. For new gyn/onc patients, call...