RepairPal: Auto Repair Expert Be prepared 24/7 for a car emergency. Get the peace of mind and confidence you need to get behind the wheel of your automobile. Whether it’s an auto emergency, a roadside breakdown, or just a small problem, RepairPal can help. This app tells you the right...
When it is possible to maneuver, the master, in conjunction with the appropriate shore authorities, may consider moving his ship to a more suitable location in order, for example, to facilitate emergency repair work or lightening operations, or to reduce the threat posed to any particularly ...
while you might not have any particular idea when your car might need repair, setting aside $100 per month into a car repair budget category will ensure that you can pay for an unexpected repair. In addition to car
As it turned out, I was very near a business and I was able to walk to it and call for a tow truck. (This was before cell phones.) After a bit of a wait, (naturally it was a busy night for the tow trucks that night) the truck arrived, pulled me out and I got home safe a...
Siren, noisemaking device producing a piercing sound of definite pitch. Used as a warning signal, it was invented in the late 18th century by the Scottish natural philosopher John Robison. The name was given it by the French engineer Charles Cagniard de