Socioeconomic factors are important determinants of planned C-section births and represent a pathway through which social influence should be examined in the future when looking at the adaptation of surgical births in populations and health care system efforts to reduce the C-section rate....
n (pl -cies) (medical) urgencia, emergencia, (non-medical) emergencia; — C-section cesarea de emergencia; — department (ED) unidad de urgencias; — room (ER) sala de urgencias or emergencias English-Spanish/Spanish-English Medical Dictionary Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies...
The path results of the planned algorithms are compared between algorithms under congestion. The results of the paths planned by Dijkstra’s algorithm are found to be longer as the length of the path increases compared to non-congested conditions because the algorithm is only able to plan the sh...
Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. E.9 Canadian Government Delays Mandatory Traveler Quarantine – #SolutionsWatch No basis for “state of emergency” declared by Ottawa Mayor New World Next Week covers OSHA mandate withdrawal ...
The maximum score in this section is 50 and minimum 0 The length of stay in the ED will be measured in minutes and concerns the entire time that a patient is present in the ED. This will be calculated by subtracting the registration time from the discharge time. The type and quantity ...
However, we are aware of several limitations. Firstly, the results stem from a cross-sectional study conducted in a single center. External validation in additional centers is planned for the future based on the findings of this single-center study. Additionally, we limited ourselves to three lev...
Individuals with planned ED “aftercare” (i.e., ICD-9 codes V50-V59, V04-V04.9, and V67.9) indicating scheduled vaccine administration, suture removal, and other planned follow-up were excluded given the study focus on unplanned 72-hr ED revisits. The dataset was censored at index ED ...
38 Efforts to improve the sensitivity of ADE identification are part of the ongoing NEISS-CADES quality assurance process, and reassessments of ADE identification are planned. And fifth, while ADE surveillance with NEISS-CADES provides information on outpatient ADEs treated in EDs, the NEISS-CADES ...
As described in “Embedding into current decision process” section we propose that DM’s preferences towards criteria are given as aspirations (desirable values that the criteria should take) and reservations (still acceptable values of criteria). In the remainder of the paper those values for a ...
Patient Selection Patients 18 years and older consecutively admitted to the ED who would undergo orotracheal intubation were eligible if the attending emergency physician planned to use a Macintosh laryngoscope blade on the first attempt; both direct and video laryngoscopy were allowed. Prisoners, patien...