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Copyright Holder: Emerald Publishing Limited Open Access: hybrid Editors: Prof Edgar Whitley Prof Kevin Crowston Prof Yulin Fang Prof Jyoti Choudrie Further Information About the journal(opens new window) Purchase information(opens new window) Editorial team(opens new window) Write for this journal(op...
Supporting our community of authors and helping to reduce barriers to publication has always been at the heart of Emerald Publishing. To help you on your publishing journey we have now partnered with Editage – a leading global science communication platform - to offer services which ensure your ...
Copyright Holder: Emerald Publishing Limited Open Access: hybrid Editors: Prof James Guthrie Prof Lee Parker Further Information About the journal(opens new window) Purchase information(opens new window) Editorial team(opens new window) Write for this journal(opens new window)Support...
Template for AGU Journals Word 2000, Version 1在AGU期刊Word 2000模板,1版 热度: Publishing in International Journals国际期刊投稿【精选-PPT】 热度: Analysis- Looking at the Future of Artificial Intelligence from AlphaGo- Where is the next emerald of AI-(分析-从AlphaGo看未来的人工智能,是下一个翡翠...