Author: Kobazco | Release Year: 2023 | Original Version: Pokemon Emerald | Language: English | Version: Completed v1.6 | Downloadable: Yes Filed Under:GBA ROM HacksTagged With:English Hacks,Final Release,Pokemon Emerald Hacks Pokemon: Too Many Types is a fascinating Pokemon Emerald ROM Hack th...
Pokemon Delta Emerald Pokemon Delta Emerald is a hack of Pokemon Emerald. It will bring a new atmosphere with familiar things into this game. Yup, there are many different Emerald hacks out there and this one […] Posted in GBA ROM Hacks Pokemon Mega Power Pokemon Mega Power is a hacked ...
The hack is distributed as a .bps file used to patch your Pokemon Emerald ROM. You must acquire a Pokemon Emerald ROM to use this romhack; the patch file only contains my changes. .bps patches can be used with a patching tool calledFlipsor directly inside some emulators. The ROM to pat...
Description: Este é um mod experimental feito no Emerald, com foco no multiplayer, deixando você jogar com até 4 jogadores na tela como se fosse um mmo, além de ser a primeira hack-rom de GBA a implementar o sistema de pokémon seguindo fora da pokebola. 来自Android客户端3楼2020-10-...
Pokemon Wubish White 是一款 NDS ROM Hack,基于 goodudegood 的 Pokemon White。- Ducumon 阅读说明以获取链接并获取 🤜READ MORE! 🤜Read more: 这是一款垃圾锁游戏,具有困难模式、新启动器、大多数进化被延迟和删除、野生 Pokemon 已完全...
Unique decomp ROM hack based on Inclement Emerald / Yda Patch (Pokémon Emerald) - Elite-Redux/eliteredux
关于三代AI的技能和换人机制,我从Pokemon Challenge的Discord上下载了较为详尽的说明 原文件是服务于Emerald Kaizo,但是适用于所有以三代AI为蓝本的Rom Hack,我放入docs时也并未做出改动。 二.游戏改动 本作相较于原版绿宝石,改动了几乎全部宝可梦的技能列表,调整了大量宝可梦的属性和种族值 ...
【国外改版】Poke..【国外改版】Pokemon Emerald Party Randomizer Plus剧情啥都没变,但好玩在每次战斗能随机自己的精灵,就比如带一只鲤鱼王,去战斗一下就会变成走路草,然后再去打一下就可能
7. Pokemon Ephemerald Learn More See Cheats Pokemon Ephemerald is still pretty much Pokemon Emerald. It has the same story and some of the base features. The main gimmick or hook of this ROM hack is that there are Pokemon with different looks. These are called Sapphorosian Forms, where ...
Luckily, the Pokemon ROM hack community is strong. People share information with each other and the ROM hacks we have today are far more impressive than they were when the hobby originated. So, why Pokémon Emerald? Well, a large reason is because of how much research has been put into it...