From its prominent hillside visitors can gaze out over Downtown Seattle, the Space Needle, and Elliott Bay with the mighty Mount Rainier to be spied rising up dramatically in the background on clear days.A must-visit, the park is named after the couple who donated its land to the city ...
I spent one breakfast at Wiscon talking to Davey Snyder about a convention she is running for Neil Gaiman in Minneapolis this coming November. The con is called Fiddler's Green and it will focus on the Sandman stories. Neil will, of course, be the main Guest of Honor, but Karen Berger ...
Cossé, A. A., Bartelt, R. J., Zikowski, B. W., Bean, D. W., and Andress, E. R. 2006. Behaviorally active green leaf volatiles for monitoring the leaf beetle,Diorhabda elongate, a biocontrol agent of saltcedar,Tamarixspp.J. Chem. Ecol.32:2695–2708. ArticlePubMedCASGoogle Scholar...
While others, such as Trametes and Ganoderma, have also been reported as causing dieback of woody plants above ground as well as causing root rot on many tree species (Coetzee et al., 2015; Paterson, 2007). Most of the genera in this guild are white rot fungi with the exception of ...
The male spots the female on the leaflet by visually detecting the iridescent green color of the female's elytra. As rearing EAB and then deploying dead females as decoys for trapping is both arduous and inconvenient, we decided to fabricate artificial decoys. We used a dead female to make ...
The olfactory stimuli used were excised stem tissue from green ash,F. pennsylvanica, excised stem tissue from white fringetree, or EAB larvae that had been removed from white ash and rinsed in deionized water. All materials were collected in Lexington, KY on the morning of the assay. Each...
of emerald ash borer, Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, captured on glue-coated prism traps of different sizes (standard, double-length narrow, and quarter), colors (green and purple), and height in relation to the canopy of ash host trees (midcanopy (10-13 m) and ground level (1.5 m))....
There is a plethora of other interesting related material as well, including a fair amount of background information about the author. Of course we should not lose sight of Silverlock as a novel. The basic premise is sound: a boring and colorless businessman learns to appreciate the joy of ...
9 March 2018; Accepted: 10 May 2018; Published: 14 June 2018 Abstract: Emerald ash borer (EAB, Agrilus planipennis Fairemaire) is a phloem-feeding beetle that was introduced into North America in the late 20th century and is causing widespread mortality of native ash (Fraxinus) species. Th...
(450–800 nm) with a spatial resolution of 0.5 meters. The image was georeferenced using ground control points (RMSE = 0.44) and atmospherically corrected using the ATCOR surface reflectance module in Geomatica software (PCI GEOMATICS, Markham, ON, Canada). Image pan-sharpening was then ...