To accessorise the wedding gown, gold lace, crystal-work in gold and silver, hair clips with emerald, navy blue, and white stones, and bracelets of green and gold can be worn. For brides wishing to do something different, velvet strappy in-line or block heels for comfort and style with ...
Lying under the bonnet, a mass of green-purple guts quivered and heaved. Clear rubber tubes ran red liquid round them. They stank of ripe meat. Diagonally across the centre were six big hearts, doubled up in a line. Solidly red-brown muscle pumped in unison. I had an impression of th...
This is one place the Ozian sensibility kicks in � recall the green Wicked Witch as she dies, lamenting the loss of her lovely wickedness? The physical descriptions of Redd are evocative of old Westie, in an effective way, except that � something�s missing. Humor? For myself, I...
Kevin and I were talking to Byron Connell in the Green Room when Richard came in with the news, so I know that Green Room wasn’t an issue. I very much doubt that audience load-in was a problem as the auditorium was open in plenty of time. Probably there was some sort of Tech ...
Since I was free to come up to Birmingham early on the first day of FantasyCon 2005 in September, Stan organized a two-handed gig for us at Hall Green Library. This is how we work; everyone uses their own contacts to benefit the group as a whole, and we aim to maximize the effect...