Cocco, N., & Sharpe, L. (1993). An auditory variant of eye movement desensitization in a case of childhood post-traumatic stress disorder.Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry,24, 373–377. ArticlePubMedGoogle Scholar
EMDR (Eye-Movement Desensitization Reprocessing Therapy) is an evidence-based therapy for trauma and previous adverse life experiences. Originally created for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), it has been increasingly applied to a range of psychiatric conditions, including complex PTSD, anxiety, ...
Keywords:EMDR(eyemovementdesensitizationandreprocessing);adaptiveinformationprocessingmodel;memories;family systemstherapy;integrativepsychotherapy “观者眼中出美景”正如临床上的功能失调,尽 管某些症状形式一贯地被诊断为可诊断的障碍,每 个心理学模式都是建立在特殊范例的基础上,指导 ...
Additional Information How to Cite Maxfield, L., Kaslow, F. W. and Shapiro, F. (2007) The Integration of EMDR and Family Systems Therapies, in Handbook of EMDR and Family Therapy Processes (eds F. Shapiro, F. W. Kaslow and L. Maxfield), John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, USA...
Anahtar kelimeler: Travma, TSSB, EMDR, terapi, nörobiyoloji ABSTRACT EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing): a different option in psychotherapy In recent years, there has been an interest in using the EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy. One of the reasons ...
EMDR, adaptive information processing, and case conceptualization. Journal of EMDR practice and Research. 2007;1(2):68–87. Article Google Scholar Hase M, Balmaceda UM, Ostacoli L, Liebermann P, Hofmann A. The AIP model of EMDR therapy and pathogenic memories. Front Psychol. 2017;8:1578. ...
information processing mechanism. This can result in the information taken in during the time of the trauma (e.g. disturbing images, thoughts, sensations, beliefs, and the like) becoming stored in disturbing, excitatory, state-specific form. The blocked processing ...
We assigned sixty-two test-anxious undergraduates to eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), rational emotive therapy (RET), and information only, which were administered in a single session by trained, "blind" therapists. At posttest, EMDR was most effective in reducing distress ...
Exposure-based therapy is the treatment of choice for anxiety disorders, but many patients do not benefit sufficiently from it. Distressing images of threat related to the future or past may maintain the anxiety symptomatology or impede exposure therapy.
intheinformation processingmechanismofthebrainthatisnotcausedbyorganicdeficitorinsult.EMDRisusedtoprocesstheearlymemoriesthatform thepathologicalbasisandtriggerthedysfunction,andprovidetemplatesofappropriatebehaviorandtheinformationneededtoovereome thedeficitsinskilldevelopmentorimmaturity.Itisasupportingtherapybasedonthe...