Ardan Patwardhan. Trends in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB). Acta Crystallographica. Section D, Structural Biology, 73(Pt 6):503-508, June 2017. ISSN 2059-7983. doi: 10.1107/S2059798317004181.Patwardhan A (2017) Trends in the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB). Acta Crystallogr...
由于冷冻电镜技术产生的数据量极大,欧洲生物信息所为了满足学术界对于冷冻电镜数据的需求,推动领域内发展,在欧洲搭建了EMDB(Electron Microscopy Data Bank)网站服务器,提供冷冻电镜原始数据,重构结果等研究信息的数据共享服务。由于研究者使用网站时上下行数据量极大,客观上使得亚洲区域的用户不得不忍受较慢的连接速度对于...
PDB Protein Data Bank PDBe Protein Data Bank in Europe SVG Scaled Vector Graphics 3DEM Three-Dimensional Electron Microscopy Keywords Electron Microscopy Visualisation Web components 1. Introduction Over the past decade cryo-electron microscopy and electron tomography have become increasingly important tools...
Motivation: The Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) is a key repository for 3D electron microscopy (3DEM) data but lacks comprehensive annotations and connections to most of the related biological, functional, and structural data. This limitation arises from the optional nature of such information ...
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Therefore, to meet the academic demand for access to cryo-EM data and to promote the development of the structural biology field, the European Institute of Bioinformatics established the Electron Microscopy Data Bank (EMDB) in Europe. Furthermore, the Committee for the Study of Cryo-Electron ...
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