IDU Internal Development Unit (systems and software)IDU Irritation During Urination (band; UK)IDU I Don't Understand IPLU Improved Probabilistic Location Update IPLU Intellectual Property and Licensing Unit IPLU Interprofessional Learning Unit EMD Electro-Motive Division (division of General Mot...
Extramural liberal adult education (LAE), as conceived in the particular UK tradition, was doomed by its high-minded origins and its privileged status, and contributed little to the new concepts of , lifelong learning, the knowledge soci... C Duke - 《Journal of Adult & Continuing Education》...
Reports that EMI Music Distribution (EMD) president Russ Bach is retiring and is to be replaced by Richard Cottrell as of July 30, 1997. Cottrell as the senior vice president of EMI Records Group UK and Ireland; Bach's career with EMD; Highlights of Cottrell's work with EMI; Effect of ...
THEATRE PROGRAMMING - THEATRE TOUR BOOKING AGENTS - UK SPECIALISTS - BOOK'EM DANNO - Ballet, Opera, Orchestral, Comedy, Musicals, Drama, Speakers, Children's shows, named artistes, tribute bands and Christmas productions
00:22 外研一起二年级上M10U1练present 00:32 外研一起二年级上M10U2儿歌merry christmas 01:00 外研一起二年级上M10U2儿歌we wish you chri 00:30 外研一起二年级上M10U2练dinner 00:11 外研一起二年级上M10U2练eat diner 00:48 外研一起二年级上M10U2练in UK 00:14 外研...
Source Music公司18日发布消息称,旗下的韩国六人流行女团GFriend与公司分道扬镳。 Gfriend 所属经纪公司 Source Music 发布声明称,与Gfriend的专属合约将于22日结束。“Source Music 与本公司艺人Gfriend 的专属合约将于5月22日结束。Gfriend和本公司经过长时间的思考和深入讨论,决定各自在属于自己的道路上展现更好的...