TAC-440 Quartz MEMS Tactical Inertial Measurement Unit (Coming Soon)Product Documentation TAC-450 Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) (Non-ITAR)Product Documentation 1 2 3 4 5 6 Next Pagearrow_forward Page 1Page 2Page 3Page 4Page 5Page 6
Our SDI500 Tactical IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) and TAC-450 FOG IMUs raise the bar of sophistication in self-contained devices capable of unprecedented random angle walk values without loss of tactical grade levels across military environments. The SDN500 INS/GPS Tactical System INS provide ...
EMCORE’s new TAC-450 line is integrated with high-performance inertial-grade accelerometers for reduced lateral drift in dead reckoning, better orientation and attitude stability, and outstanding resistance to shock and vibration.Discover TAC-450 IMUs EMCORE’s exclusivePIC technologyuses an integrated ...
TAC-450-340 Photonic Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) (Non-ITAR) CG-5100 Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) (Non-ITAR) DSP-3100 Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) (Non-ITAR) DSP-3400 Fiber Optic Gyro (FOG) (Non-ITAR) GEO-FOG 3D Inertial Navigation System (INS) (Non-ITAR) ...
450 Clark Drive Budd Lake, New Jersey 07828 Phone1 626 293-3400 IndustrySemiconductors SectorTechnology Fiscal Year-end09/2024 Revenue$97.72M Net Income-$49.41M 2023 Sales Growth-21.28% Employees371 EMCORE Corp. engages in the provision of sensors and navigation systems for the aerospace and defen...
Deif TAC-321DG CurrentTransducer Deif Tap-210DG/1 Inwatt Transducer 32822.2Range 150-0-1500 KW DEIF TAP-210DG/2 INWATT TRANSDUCER 220VAC0-5000kW DEIF TAP-210DG/3 INWATT TRANSDUCER 100VAC0-432-864W DEIF TAP-210DG/3 INWATT TRANSDUCER251908.10 DEIF TAS-311DG SELECTABLE TRANSDUCER230VAC...
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Deif TAC-321DG Current Transducer Deif Tap-210DG/1 Inwatt Transducer 32822.2 Range 150-0-1500 KW DEIF TAP-210DG/2 INWATT TRANSDUCER 220VAC 0-5000kW DEIF TAP-210DG/3 INWATT TRANSDUCER 100VAC 0-432-864W DEIF TAP-210DG/3 INWATT TRANSDUCER 251908.10 DEIF TAS-311DG SELECTABLE TRANSDUCE...
For enhanced UAV flight performance and targeting whether over enemy territory, performing border reconnaissance, tracking convoys or inspecting remote pipelines, position accuracy is critical. EMCORE’s quartz MEMS SDD3000 advanced gyroscope, SDI500 quartz MEMS IMU, TAC-450 series FOG IMUs all offer ...