Embryonic Stem Cell Research: An Ethical Dilemma Throughout the course of history, healthcare advancements have been some of the most important events to happen to the human race. Whether it was the invention of the first stethoscope or the first vaccine for polio, these findings have helped le...
The ethical dilemma of hES-cell research Human embryonic stem cells (hES-cells) have two distinctive properties: they are able to replicate in an artificial medium more or less indefinitely, and they are capable of differentiating into each of the cell types which make up the human body. They...
some feel that the methods used to obtain embryonic stem cells are unethical; However, there are actually many reasons to continuestem cellresearch.Embryonic stem cellresearch should be funded because the blastocyst, or embryo, is willingly donated, and can’t feel pain. Although many people say...
A series of pathology lectures at the Medlink conference 2011, including a presentation on stem cells, has inspired us to do further research into stem cell research and what they could achieve. Also, due to controversy over using human embryos to harvest stem cells, different ethical viewpoints...
Alternative sources of pluripotent stem cells: scientific solutions to an ethical dilemma. Stem cell researchers in the United States have faced a quagmire of uncertainty due to multiple factors: the ethical divide over the use of embryos for res... M Rao,ML Condic - 《Stem Cells & ...
Long non-coding RNA (lncRNA) is receiving increasing attention in embryonic stem cells (ESCs) research. However, the roles of lncRNA in the differentiation of ESCs into pacemaker-like cells are still unclear. Therefore, the present study aims to explore the roles and mechanisms of lncRNA in ...
These cells have great therapeutic potential, but their use is limited by both biological and ethical factors. The political controversy surrounding stem cells began in 1998 with the creation of hES cells derived from discarded embryos. hES cells were isolated from the inner cell mass of a ...
These different types of stem cell research are said to sidestep the ethical dilemma associated with HESC research and so are considered as ethically acceptable ways to obtain stem cells; possibly, they may even mark the end of HESC research. However, each of these stem cell methods presents ...
摘要: Offers observations on the ethics of human embryonic stem cell research. Specifics on embryonic stem cells and how they are collected; Distinction between therapeutic cloning and reproductive cloning; Moral status of the human embryo; Ethical issues; Public funding for research....
They argue that their induced pluripotent stem cells are almost similar to embryonic stem cells. R. Alta Charo, professor of law and bioethics at UW-M, believes that the studies posed ethical progress in stem cell research.EBSCO_AspMedical Ethics Advisor...