Human limb buds emerge by the end of the fourth post-conception week (PCW) and develop to form arms and legs during the first trimester. By studying model organisms such as the mouse and the chick, it is known that development of the limb bud begins in the form of two major components....
Only images of embryos that were oriented with the dorsal side facing the camera were used for the analysis. The dorsal side could be identified after generating maximum intensity projections from image stacks. Embryos with tilted dorso-ventral axes were excluded. Then, the average intensity along ...
Images were captured using a Zeiss Axioplan microscope equipped with a SPOT RK1 camera, or a Zeiss Axioimager equipped with a SPOT Flex camera. The images shown in the figures were downloaded from our database, with minor color balance changes to correct for variations in camera performance. ...
In addition, Fgf2 expression was detected in other embryonic sites (data not shown): i.e., in the mesoderm close to the lens during eye development, from HH18 to 27, in the developing heart, in the foregut, and in the limb bud. Due to the presence of very faint NBT/BCIP ...
Images were collected using a Leica MZ12 microscope equipped with Leica DFC290 camera. sox2 rescue experiments mRNA was synthesized from a pCBA3-zf-sox2 vector29 using a SP6 mMessage mMachine kit (Ambion, Austin, TX, USA). Synthetic mRNA (25 pg/embryo) was injected into the embryos at...
Adult stage.A–E: Lateral views of the whole body (A), operculum (B), and pectoral fin (C); and ventral views of the male (D,D′), and female (E) cloaca regions were captured using a light-field camera. Squeezed sperm from male goldfish are visible in (D,D′). On the opercula...
Cryo-electron tomography was carried out on a 300 kV (FEI Company/Thermo Fisher Scientific, Eindhoven, Netherlands) Titan Krios microscope equipped with a field-emission gun, a Quantum post-column energy filter (Gatan, Pleasanton, CA, USA), a K2 direct detector camera (Gatan) and a Volta pha...
Important knowledge about the role of vitamin A in vertebrate heart development has been obtained using the vitamin A-deficient avian in ovo model which enables the in vivo examination of very early stages of vertebrate heart morphogenesis. These studies have revealed the critical role of the vitami...
For quantifying microtissue forces, brightfield and fluorescence images were taken at 100 Hz with a fast CCD camera (Allied Vision), and an A-Plan 10x objective on a Nikon Eclipse Ti (Nikon Instruments, Inc.) equipped with a live cell incubator. Only tissues that were uniformly anchored ...
3e). After the first day of imaging, the eye contralateral to the imaged cortex was closed by eyelid suture for 20–24 h. Whereas MD reduced the responsiveness and response amplitude of PV cell activity in juvenile critical period mice (Fig. 1), we were surprised to find no change in...