Catalogers Embrace New Challenges - with LoveJones, BonnieAlki: The Washington Library Association Journal
especially the emergence of new technologies and avenues. She stressedthe importance of lifelong learningand urged everyone to embrace challenges in the face of all innovations. She stated that doing so would help us create a world that...
第57期iTalk将以“迎接挑战”(Embrace Challenges)为题,邀请4位演讲嘉宾同学分享各自的经历,共同探讨在面对挑战时保持积极态度、制定应对策略的方法,帮助大家提升问题解决能力和创新思维,于行动中展现新时代“清”年的责任与担当。 The 57th iTalk event will be...
She embraced her new life in the big city, excited to embrace newchallenges and experiences. 在这个句子中,Embrace用作动词,表示拥抱新的生活。这句话的意思是:她热爱大城市的新生活,期待迎接新的挑战和经历。 4.如何在日常交流中运用Embrace 在日常交流中,我们可以用Embrace来表达对他人的关爱和支持,例如:...
The article provides advice on motivating employees to accept more challenges. It highlights several key factors to be considered in an organization's planning strategy during the change process, including finance, pricing, and regulation. It emphasizes the importance of communication to help ensure emp...
Allow staff to be accountable for their own workload; teaming up with a colleague to set and complete tasks and challenges for example or given a key role in onboarding any new member of staff as part of virtual hiring plans. Draw on previous experience of successful remo...
China has come to where it is today after overcoming all kinds of difficulties and challenges. China did not collapse as predicted by the "China collapse theory," nor will it peak as forecasted by the "China peak theory," he said.
By embracing new workloads of the yottabyte era, Huawei OceanStor Pacific scale-out storage aims to build a cutting-edge unified data storage platform that can effectively address the unpredictable demands and challenges of new workloads through a reliable and simple storage infrastructure. OceanStor ...
China has come to where it is today after overcoming all kinds of difficulties and challenges. China did not collapse as predicted by the "China collapse theory," nor will it peak as forecasted by the "China peak theory," he said.
1.The team decided to embrace the new strategy for increasing productivity. 团队决定采纳新的战略以提高生产力。 2.She was willing to embrace the challenges that came with the new job. 她愿意接受新工作带来的挑战。 3.The company needs to embrace innovation in order to stay competitive. 公司需要...