Etiology Air may enter a vessel postoperatively, during intravenous injections, after failure to purge intravenous lines, or as a result of rupture of a central line balloon. NOTE: A very small amount of air in a vessel or intravenous tubing is not hazardous. Symptoms Symptoms include sudden ...
Obstetrics A condition resulting from a traumatic delivery and 'injection' of amniotic fluid containing lanugo, squames, mucus and debris into the opened maternal circulation, which communicates with the amniotic fluid Incidence 1:80,000 deliveries Etiology Idiopathic, predisposed to by the high intraut...
Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook (redirected fromcerebral embolism) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to cerebral embolism:cerebral thrombosis,air embolism em·bo·lism (ĕm′bə-lĭz′əm) n.
Etiology and Natural History JohnByrneMCh FRCSI (Gen), inComprehensive Vascular and Endovascular Surgery (Second Edition), 2009 Embolus (90% of Cases) As with acute leg ischemia, at least 75% of arm emboli come from the heart (Figure 13-20). Most are due to atrial fibrillation. The remain...
Airembolism Etiology:IntravenoustherapeuticproceduresObstetricproceduresChestwallinjuryDecompressionsickness(nitrogen)Airembolism Clinicaleffect:>100ccBends,focalischemiaAtelectasisandemphysema(choke)Caissondisease(amorechronicform):Multiplefociofischemicnecrosisinskeletalsystem(femurs,tibia,humor)AMNIOTICFLUIDINFUSIONIncidence:...
embolism(无效腔)RespiratoryFailure 1.Abstracts Respiratoryfailure,whetheracuteorchronic,isafrequentlyfacedproblemandamajorcauseofdeathinourcountry.Forexample,mortalityfromCOPD,whichendsindeathfromrespiratoryfailure,continuestoincrease.Morethan70%ofthedeathsinpatientswithpneumoniaareattributedtorespiratoryfailure.2....
The most common source of macroemboli is the heart (80% of all arterial emboli), and the most common etiology is atrial fibrillation (80% of cardiogenic emboli) (Box 1-6). Other etiologies include intravascular lesions such as exophytic aortic plaque, mural thrombus within an aortic or ...
The clinical manifestations of paradoxical embolism (PDE) are nonspecific, making the diagnosis difficult to establish. Patients with PDE may present with signs and symptoms of systemic embolization affecting multiple organs (eg, brain, heart, visceral organs, and peripheral vasculature). The disease st...
Etiology of Pulmonary Embolism Three primary influences predispose a patient to blood clot formation; these form the so-called Virchow triad, which consists of the following[8, 9, 10] : Endothelial injury Stasis or turbulence of blood flow Blood hypercoagulability Thrombosis usually originates as ...
Define pulmonary embolism. pulmonary embolism synonyms, pulmonary embolism pronunciation, pulmonary embolism translation, English dictionary definition of pulmonary embolism. A condition in which an embolus breaks off and blocks a pulmonary artery which