EMBO Reports的影响因子近年来有升有降,但整体呈上升趋势。2017-2021年的SCI影响因子分别为8.749、8.383、7.497、8.807、9.071。2023-2024最新影响因子为6.5,实时影响因子截止2024年10月29日为4.259,五年影响因子为8.3。这些数据表明,EMBO Reports在生物学领域的学术影响力和认可度在不...
EMBO Reports is a peer-reviewed academic journal covering topics related to biology at a molecular level. It publishes primary research papers, reviews and essays and opinion. It also features commentaries on the social impact of advances in the life sciences and the converse influence of society ...
This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years ...
2023. "Investigation of the Effects of Stress Hyperglycemia Ratio and Preoperative Computed Tomographic Angiography on the Occurrence of Acute Kidney Injury in Diabetic Patients following Surgical Thromboembolectomy" Tomography 9, no. 1: 255-263. https://doi.org/10.3390/tomography9010020 APA Style ...