Ember® offers patented temperature controlled mugs, travel mugs, tumblers & baby bottle systems. Browse our collections of temperature controlled drinkware.
Ember® offers patented temperature controlled mugs, travel mugs, tumblers & baby bottle systems. Browse our collections of temperature controlled drinkware.
Ember® offers patented temperature controlled mugs, travel mugs, tumblers & baby bottle systems. Browse our collections of temperature controlled drinkware.
Elevate your beverage experience with the contemporary design of the Ember Mug. Discover the perfect balance between technology and sophistication as you sip.
IT之家了解到,Ember 的温控马克杯旨在让用户的咖啡或其他热饮保持在想要的饮用温度长达 3 个小时,如果马克杯放在随附的充电杯垫上,则可以保持一整天。这款马克杯可以通过蓝牙连接到 iPhone,并通过 Ember 应用程序进行控制,Travel Mug 2 还具有内置触摸控件,可将首选温度设置在 48.9 至 65 摄氏度之间。
苹果美国官网近日上架了Ember的控温Travel Mug 2+旅行杯,售价为199.95美元。据介绍该旅行杯最大的亮点就是支持“Find My”,丢失后可在 iPhone,iPad和Mac上定位找回。如果你出门时忘记带了,这款旅行杯还内置扬声器,可以发出提示音。Emmmm这韭菜噶的有点太难看了#苹果可定位旅行杯售价1412元# ...
了解到,Ember 的温控马克杯旨在让用户的咖啡或其他热饮保持在想要的饮用温度长达 3 个小时,如果马克杯放在随附的充电杯垫上,则可以保持一整天。这款马克杯可以通过蓝牙连接到 iPhone,并通过 Ember 应用程序进行控制,Travel Mug 2 还具有内置触摸控件,可将首选温度设置在 48.9 至 65 摄氏度之间。
IT之家了解到,Ember 的温控马克杯旨在让用户的咖啡或其他热饮保持在想要的饮用温度长达 3 个小时,如果马克杯放在随附的充电杯垫上,则可以保持一整天。这款马克杯可以通过蓝牙连接到 iPhone,并通过 Ember 应用程序进行控制,Travel Mug 2 还具有内置触摸控件,可将首选温度设置在 48.9 至 65 摄氏度之间。
苹果美国官网近日上架了一款新的保温杯——Ember Travel Mug 2+,售价199.95美元,折合人民币约1413元。该保温杯最大的特点是支持定位,可通过苹果的Find My功能找回。Ember Travel Mug 2+专为旅行设计,其容量为12 fl oz(约为355毫升),可设置喜欢的饮用温度范围120°F
Thetravel mugworks perfectly enough, letting you take your coffee on the go while using double walls to keep it warm for a decent length of time. The Ember, however, takes the travel mug to new heights, allowing you to fine tune the temperature of your coffee to the exact level of hot...