which I like because it doesn't seem to leak at all, but is easy to drink from. If I toss the Ember Mug in a bag, it doesn't drip, which isn't always the case with travel cups. You do need to make sure not to fill it fuller than the line at the interior...
Even better: The mug itself does not overheat, so I have never burned my lips, as I have with some other mugs. The Travel Mug 2 also aced the heat retention tests, but the Cup did come in under the set temperature for much of the 90-minute battery life. ...
If you’re trying to be good and stop using throw-away cups, thermal travel cups seem like a good idea, that is until you go to drink an hour later and find that it’s still far too hot to sip. Fortunately, technology is here to help, in the form of the Ember Travel Mug. It ...
商品名称:EmberTravel Mug 2 商品编号:10109857893652 店铺:a axon_us海外官方旗舰店 货号:FBA-B/Ember/001 适用人群:男士,女士 杯身主体材质:304不锈钢 内胆材质:304不锈钢 杯身样式:直身杯 适用场景:职场,户外旅行,家用 国产/进口:进口 商品介绍加载中......
苹果美国官网近日上架了一款新的保温杯——Ember Travel Mug 2+,售价199.95美元,折合人民币约1413元。该保温杯最大的特点是支持定位,可通过苹果的Find My功能找回。Ember Travel Mug 2+专为旅行设计,其容量为12 fl oz(约为355毫升),可设置喜欢的饮用温度范围120°F
苹果美国官网近日上架了一款新的保温杯——Ember Travel Mug 2+,售价199.95美元,折合人民币约1413元。该保温杯最大的特点是支持定位,可通过苹果的Find My功能找回。Ember Travel Mug 2+专为旅行设计,其容量为12 fl oz(约为355毫升),可设置喜欢的饮用温度范围120°F – 145°F(约为48.9摄氏度 – 62.78摄氏度...
苹果美国官网近日上架了一款新的保温杯——Ember Travel Mug 2+,售价199.95美元,折合人民币约1413元。该保温杯最大的特点是支持定位,可通过苹果的Find My功能找回。 Ember Travel Mug 2+专为旅行设计,其容量为12 fl oz(约为355毫升),可设置喜欢的饮用温度范围120°F – 145°F(约为48.89摄氏度 – 62.78摄氏...
昨天发现ember的Travel Mug 2 和Mug 2 在Apple Store 上架了 ,突然就觉得今年冬天更冷了 ,于是下单入手了一款Ember Travel Mug 2。 今天杯子到了 ,包装看起来和1代差不多。 拆开看看 做工和质感感觉还行,尤其…
With Ember Travel Mug 2+, this will be the first mug to have Find My capabilities – and for a $200 price point, it’s clear why you don’t want to lose your mug in a bus, hotel room, or trail. This accessory is designed to be used on the go, as it allows you to set an...
近日,苹果官网上架了一款名为Ember Travel Mug 2+的控温保温杯,售价高达199.95美元,内置定位和扬声器功能,能够通过“Find My”在地图上定位并发出提示音,许多网友称这是典型的智商税。 实际上,借助AirTag等第三方追踪器也可以实现类似功能,价格远低于Ember Travel Mug 2+,而且还可以获得其他附加功能,例如降噪耳机等。