火巨人之余烬 Ember of the Fire Giant< 专长 | AgelBot 于7个月前修改了此页面。 先决条件:第4级,巨人打击(火焰打击)专长你展现出象征着火巨人的炽烈战斗方式,使得你获得下列增益: 属性值提升Ability Score Increase。你的力量、体质、或感知属性提升1,上限为20。 生于烈焰Born of Flame。你获得火焰伤害的...
词汇:ember n. 灰烬,余烬 相关场景 CUT TO: 99 EXT. TITANIC - DAY TITANIC STEAMS TOWARD US, in the dusk light, as if lit by the embers of a giant fire. As the ship looms, FILLING FRAME, we push in on the bow. Jack is there, right at the apex of the bow railing, his ...
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Combine salvaged parts into everything from rapid-fire crossbows to giant crushing swords. Mix and match abilities, elemental effects, and special perks to create your personal style of destruction. Fight through the shadows of the dungeon, experiment with wild crafting possibilities, and carve your...
Here is one of my 2023 questions and responses, from the Vault: 6. Describe one thing you’d like to achieve by this time next year. Why is this important to you? Your Answer: I would like my plans for moving to the Seattle area in 2025 to become more clear [I moved here in Mar...
- Affordable Ambience: Creating an inviting room starts with comfort, and there's nothing more comforting on a cold day than a nice roaring fire. - Turn Up the Heat: Fortunately, all our fake fireplaces work independent of the heat. You can turn on the electric fireplace ...
42% of 242 decks +42% synergy Netcaster Spider 40% of 285 decks +40% synergy Nyx Weaver 39% of 243 decks +34% synergy Arachnus Spinner 37% of 286 decks +37% synergy Kessig Recluse 36% of 286 decks +36% synergy Giant Trap Door Spider 36% of 174 decks +36% synergy Sentinel Spide...
What is the message of the book The Cay? What is the message of "O Captain! My Captain!"? What is the message behind Murder in the Cathedral? What is the central message of Young Goodman Brown? What is the main message of "The Selfish Giant"? What is the message of Cat's Cradle...
The upholding of Marriage Equality laws and the enforcing of them across the USA and in other countries feels like a giant victory. Looser laws, releasing noncriminals from prison when their only “crime” is possession of marijuana, and eventual legalization of marijuana/cannabis use across the ...
"Giant friendly mushrooms say moo..." ~ Me. "There it is! *others look quickly, then shoot her dirty looks* That's what it'd sound like if one of you spotted it. *waves hand in front of face, making weird sound*" ~ TOPH! "Hi, floor! Make me a sammich!" ~ G.i.r., fro...