ashesofember、allergic2cats - Sacred City (Explicit)
Century: Age of Ashes - Ember Crown Pack NZ$31.19 Description Survivors of the once-great city of Hragejk now roam the lands donning an armour of everburning red and white-hot “Ember Crown” - markings left to remind passerbies one shall never defy the mighty Ul-Hrag. This pack i...
Century: Age of Ashes - Ember Crown Pack 24,99 € Beschreibung Überlebende der einst großartigen Stadt Hragejk durchstreifen jetzt das Land und tragen eine Rüstung aus ewig rot und weiß glühender „Ember Crown“ – Markierungen, die Passanten daran erinnern sollen, dass man sic...
“ember”通常用于描述火熄灭后留下的炽热余烬,常用于文学作品中形容夜晚的篝火、火山喷发后的景象或战争后的荒凉场景。 造句例句: 英文:The embers of the campfire glowed in the darkness. 中文:篝火的余烬在黑暗中闪闪发光。 英文:The volcano left a field of embers and ashes...
The meaning of EMBER is a glowing fragment (as of coal) from a fire; especially : one smoldering in ashes. How to use ember in a sentence.
1.a glowing or smouldering piece of coal or wood, as in a dying fire 2.the fading remains of a past emotion:the embers of his love. [Old Englishǣmyrge;related to Old Norseeimyrjaember,eimrsmoke, Old High Germaneimuriaember]
Century: Age of Ashes 免费+ Century: Age of Ashes - Ember Crown Pack ¥152.00 说明 曾经伟大的赫拉格克市的幸存者现在穿上永远燃烧的红色和白热的“灰烬王冠”盔甲在这片土地上漫游 - 留下的标记提醒路人永远不要违抗强大的乌尔赫拉格。 这个包包括: - Century: Age of Ashes - 1个追猎者 传奇龙 - ...
The novel draws to a temporary conclusion as Laia and Elias escape through the secret tunnel Elias had dug in his room which led out of Blackcliff. And both were set free. At last. 【Elias】 Being the bastard son of the cold-blooded and ...
豆瓣评分 7.4 33人评价 5星 33.3% 4星 42.4% 3星 18.2% 2星 6.1% 1星 0.0% 评价: 写笔记 写书评 加入购书单 分享到 推荐 内容简介· ··· AN EMBER IN THE ASHES is a thought-provoking, heart-wrenching and pulse-pounding read. Set in a rich, high-fantasy world with echoes of ancient...
“ember”通常用于描述火熄灭后留下的炽热余烬,常用于文学作品中形容夜晚的篝火、火山喷发后的景象或战争后的荒凉场景。 造句例句: 英文:The embers of the campfire glowed in the darkness. 中文:篝火的余烬在黑暗中闪闪发光。 英文:The volcano left a field of embers and ashes. 中文:火山喷发后留下了...