Define embellished. embellished synonyms, embellished pronunciation, embellished translation, English dictionary definition of embellished. tr.v. em·bel·lished , em·bel·lish·ing , em·bel·lish·es 1. To make beautiful, as by ornamentation; decorate
Define over-embellishedly. over-embellishedly synonyms, over-embellishedly pronunciation, over-embellishedly translation, English dictionary definition of over-embellishedly. Adj. 1. over-embellished - excessively elaborate or showily expressed; "a write
Define unembellished. unembellished synonyms, unembellished pronunciation, unembellished translation, English dictionary definition of unembellished. adj not embellished; plain Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 ©
Define over-embellished. over-embellished synonyms, over-embellished pronunciation, over-embellished translation, English dictionary definition of over-embellished. Adj. 1. over-embellished - excessively elaborate or showily expressed; "a writer of empur