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from constants import CHROMA_SETTINGS, EMBEDDING_MODEL_NAME, PERSIST_DIRECTORY from transformers import GenerationConfig @@ -136,11 +136,11 @@ def main(device_type, show_sources): logging.info(f'Display Source Documents set to: {show_sources}') embeddings = HuggingFaceInstructEmbeddings( model_n...
embedding.model: params["model"] = config.embedding.model params["model_name"] = config.embedding.modelif config.embedding.embed_batch_size: params["embed_batch_size"] = config.embedding.embed_batch_size2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion 2 tests/metagpt/rag/factories/test_embedding.py @@...
LONG TTEnableEmbeddingForFacename( [in] LPCSTR lpszFacename, [in] BOOL bEnable ); 参数[in] lpszFacename指向要从字体排除列表中添加或删除的字体的人脸名称的指针。[in] bEnable对字体排除列表执行布尔控制操作。 如果不是零,则人脸名称将从列表中删除;如果为零,则人脸名称将添加到列表中。返回...
To solve the Chinese social network alignment problem, in this paper, a novel display name embedding method is proposed, called DENA. It utilizes the morphological and phonetic information of Chinese characters to enhance the alignment accuracy. Specifically, in DENA, a hierarchical n-gram process ...
Unsupervised word embedding has benefited a wide spectrum of NLP tasks due to its effectiveness of encoding word semantics in distributed word representations. However, unsupervised word embedding is a generic representation, not optimized for specific tasks. In this work, we propose a weakly-supervised...
public static Azure.Search.Documents.Indexes.Models.AzureOpenAIModelName TextEmbedding3Large { get; } Property Value AzureOpenAIModelName Applies to 產品版本 Azure SDK for .NET Preview 在GitHub 上與我們協作 可以在 GitHub 上找到此内容的源,还可以在其中创建和查看问题和拉取请求。 有...
Showing topics with label Embedding power bi report. Show all topics Measures Behaviour in Power Bi Embedded by filiparibeiro on 09-02-2022 01:42 AM Latest post on 09-05-2022 02:44 AM by v-xiaoyan-msft 1 Reply 154 Views Customizing elements in paginate...
In 1983 Conway and Gordon proved that any embedding of the complete graph K7 into ℝ3 contains at least one nontrivial knot as its Hamiltonian cycle. After their work knots (also links) are considered as intrinsic properties of abstract graphs, and numerous subsequent works have been continued...
1.Joint Label Embedding KG Embedding: 使用TransE来进行KG embedding, Entity Description Embedding: 其中,c是卷积的窗口长度, 是单词Wi的对应输出。 Gating Integration: 其中, 是集成的门控向量,e是KG的entity embedding(head,tail ), de是描述的embedding. ...