Ideas (of Karl Polanyi and others) that economies and markets are 'socially embedded' are central to recent research in economic sociology, closely paralleling socio-legal claims for studying law in 'social context'. But the concept of embeddedness is imprecise and inadequate: a sociology of law...
sociology on the other, with their respective assumptions of atomistic action. Some scholars have noted that the embeddedness concept has become the main paradigm in economic sociology, or what since has become known as ‘new economic sociology’. However, its growing impact does not mean the ...
8.Corporate Environment Protection Responsibility and the Insert of Government Social Regulation;企业环境保护责任与政府社会性规制的嵌入 9.Humanity Postulation of "Weak Embeddedness" and Theoretical Construction of New Economic Sociology;“弱嵌入性”人性预设与新经济社会学的理论建构 10.The Farmer Advocates t...
2.The newly bloom of economic sociology and the related concept of embeddability, social network and social capital form a new trend in the study of industrial clusters, which is also featured by focus on related economic institutions and cultural environment.这一转向的直接缘由在于西方新经济社会学...
However, in the opinion of Granovetter (1985, 2005) and other representatives of New Economic Sociology, sociologists attach too much importance to norms and values without paying enough attention to interpersonal relationships at the individual level. Granovetter (1985) calls this the over-socialized ...
Economic Sociology and New Institutional Economics When economic sociology appeared on the academic scene in the mid-1980s its interactions with New Institutional Economics were soon plentiful as well as productive. Especially the ideas of OliverWilliamson and Douglass North were often d... V Nee,R...
"Institutional embeddedness" is a new research program in the new institutionalist sociology and a new type of embeddedness which differs from Granovetter s "relational embeddedness. "制度嵌入性"是新制度主义社会学所提出的一个新的研究纲领,它是在格兰诺维特的"关系嵌入性"基础上形成的又一类型的嵌入性...
Economic sociology, for all its successes, is yet to develop an explanation of recent growth in market-driven policies such as flexibility in the use of labour and precarious employment. Embeddedness-centred perspectives in economic sociology are unlikely to correct this omission because their objective...
"Institutional embeddedness" is a new research program in the new institutionalist sociology and a new type of embeddedness which differs from Granovetter s "relational embeddedness. "制度嵌入性"是新制度主义社会学所提出的一个新的研究纲领,它是在格兰诺维特的"关系嵌入性"基础上形成的又一类型的嵌入性。
This article presents a diachronic analysis of a metaphor synthesizing insights from cultural sociology and conceptual metaphor theory (CMT), an interdisciplinary neuroscientific program with robust empirical findings for how meanings change over time. I track the diffusion of ‘the most ancient’ ...