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In the near future manufacturers should deal with implementing security strategi... Dec 04, 2014 - Embedded - by Claus Giebert 4 Reasons why you should not press on Price (too hard) When I had to do shopping for my grandmother I had to understand a very important fact: When you ...
arrow-rightWhat we do Join our team Our work is challenging and fast-paced, and it’s our people that make us great. Do you want to change the world and love your job? Join us. Search open jobs Our commitment to corporate citizenship ...
“Progress in the Embedded GPU Ecosystem”, where he discusses open source software support in Linux/Mesa from companies and reverse-engineering support. The first part deals with the history of embedded GPU support, especially when it comes to company support. Intel was the first and offers ...
I was trying to think of a phrase to convey how extreme your attention to users should be, and I realized Steve Jobs had already done it: insanely great. Steve wasn't just using "insanely" as a synonym for "very." He meant it more literally — that ...
elec- bringing jobs back home. Government third-largest mobile phone supplier in the tions will be over and American voters will incentives will become common as politi- world. This type of innovation is essential have selected a new president elect. This has proven to be a momentous election ...
Researchers are trying to develop solutions with the available technology that would allow people to perform their jobs in safer conditions and save human lives. A thorough study of the importance of Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) and Deep Learning potential in everyday ...