C++ is a compelling and flexible language that allows programmers to write complex code quickly. C++ compilers are typically very efficient, meaning that programs written in C++ can be speedy. C++ has a wide range of libraries that provide great functionality, making it possible to write comprehens...
In the last 7 years the meaning of VPX could have been the VME Puzzling eXtension, since this promising standard included many technical pitfalls and computer architecture changes. Only the more wealthy and performance hungry customers coul... Apr 13, 2017 - Embedded - by Norbert Hauser Kontr...
Rather, the technology itself must also be considered, meaning that any comprehensive analysis must identify the technological values (techno-generic values) embedded in a software and subject those to a normative analysis. In data analysis, for example, this includes questions regarding the handling ...
My favorite thing about working at Tuxera is the freedom. I also like that my work here really counts for something. People are using the devices with your software inside, so you always get to see your work out there. It’s a great feeling.Rakesh Pandit, Software Engineer ...
String Meaning @yearly Trigger once a year, "0 0 1 1 *". @annually Same as @yearly. @monthly Trigger once a month, "0 0 1 * *". @weekly Trigger once a week, "0 0 * * 0". @daily Trigger once a...
Fuzzing has become one of the best-established methods to uncover software bugs. Meanwhile, the market of embedded systems, which binds the software execution tightly to the very hardware architecture, has grown at a steady pace, and that pace is anticip
An XPe runtime will most often contain less components than a full Pro system, meaning that it has a lower attack surface area. But if your runtime is going to be in an environment where viruses could be propagated to the system (like on a public network), it is still a good idea ...
Shell Prompts Shell Bourne shell and Korn shell Prompt $ Beta Draft vii Shell Windows Prompt directory> Conventions The following text conventions are used in this document: Convention boldface italic monospace Meaning Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, ...
Performance (Processor “1”)/performance (Processor “2”) = execution time (Processor “1”)/execution time (Processor “2”) = “X,” meaning that Processor “1” is “X” times faster than Processor “2;” ● CPI = number of cycle cycles/instruction; ● clock period = seconds per...
FPGAs is gaining popularity because it is fundamentally programmable hardware, meaning an engineer writes software to define the functions performed on the FPGA.MIKE SANTORIDesign News