However, besides the Rust compiler, we will use some more tools. Among others:QEMU to emulate our kernel on the host system. A self-made tool called Minipush to load a kernel onto the Raspberry Pi on-demand over UART. OpenOCD and GDB for debugging on the target....
该教程会从零开始,一步步地指导你如何用 Rust 开发出一个功能齐全的嵌入式操作系统的内核。它包含了实现一般操作系统的任务,例如开发串口控制台、设置虚拟内存和处理硬件异常。教程中的所有代码,均可运行在树莓派 3 和 4 上。 收录于: 第81 期 标签: Rust 嵌入式 树莓派...
rust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorialsrust-raspberrypi-OS-tutorialsPublic 📚 Learn to write an embedded OS in Rust 🦀 Rust13.9k813 awesome-embedded-rustawesome-embedded-rustPublic Curated list of resources for Embedded and Low-level development in the Rust programming language ...
RP2040:RP2040 于 2020 年底发布,是 Raspberry Pi 基金会首次尝试设计自己的芯片。由于如此新,Rust 对它的支持仍在开发中。与 BBC micro:bit 一样,RP2040 旨在成为一个教育平台,因此硬件文档是一流的,并且有大量初学者友好的代码示例和其他编程语言的库(没有多少适合初学者的嵌入式 Rust 文档)。这是一个非常...
STM32F3 探索套件(约 14 英镑);它是 Rust Embedded Discovery 书的第一版中使用的板。 密切关注: Raspberry Pi Pico(约 6 英镑,带预焊引脚);ARM Cortex-M 但没有内置调试器,HAL 仍在开发中。不过目前有很多活动,进展很快。 HiFive1 Rev B(约 50 英镑);RISC-V 是新的热点。Rust 中似乎有很多围绕它的...
fork自:,使用rust语言在树莓派上开发OS教程 主页 取消 保存更改 HTML/CSS 1 bison-fork rust-raspberrypi-OS-tuto...
MicroRust Introductory book for embedded development in Rust on the micro:bit. Physical Computing With Rust A (WIP) guide to physical computing with Rust on the Raspberry Pi. Writing an embedded OS in Rust on the Raspberry Pi A set of tutorials that give a guided, step-by-step tour of ...
Swift that notably works with Espressif ESP32-C6 wireless RISC-V microcontroller, and the company also built a Matter sample based on ESP-IDF and ESP-Matter SDKs. Embedded Swift is not limited to the ESP32-C6 and supports other microcontrollers from STMicro, Raspberry Pi, No...
The Haxophone is an unusual Raspberry Pi expansion board that transforms the popular SBC into a travel saxophone using mechanical keys. The hackable musical instrument is open-source hardware and OSHWA certified and comes with mechanical keys which makes it easily repairable, customizable by changing ...
内容 隐藏 1 安全嵌入式系统入门:使用 Rust 和 Tock 为 micro:bit 和 Raspberry Pi Pico 开发物联网系统 2 Getting Started with Secure Embedded Systems: