default const code = ` Check out this video: ` console.log( String( await compile(code, { remarkPlugins: [ [ // @ts-expect-error: `remarkEmbedder` types are wrong. remarkEmbedder, {transformers: [oembedTransformer]} ] ] }) ) ) ...
YouTube embed image overlay Submit video id (e.g. in the form bellow. Or append/embed?v=[video_id]directly. Video id:Submit Examples: /embed?v=3BYNj6Yvl8I /embed?v=34rhNOj5YSM...
A faster youtube embed. youtube custom element web component paulirish •0.3.3•6 months ago•10dependents•Apache-2.0published version0.3.3,6 months ago10dependentslicensed under $Apache-2.0 119,682 embed-video Get embed code for embedding youtube/vimeo/whatever video in websites from ...
Change Summary Embedded YouTube tutorial videos and images wherever necessary. Edited documentation to improve clarity. Change type feat: (new feature for the user, not a new feature for build ...
Some of the code in this plugin was copied from the Gatsby plugin for embedding YouTube videos in markdown: To figure out how to convert the above plugin to a Gridsome plugin, I cribbed from Gridsome's Twitter Remark plugin: ...
I am recommending we call this function asmediainstead of "YouTube video" because this way we can keep this door open for other media URLs. I am assuming that the scope of this issue will also address matching against the, and their shortener domains as mentioned in a ...
If, for instance, the URL to embed is, the feature can predict that it needs to produce the following HTML to show this YouTube video: <div style="position: relative; padding-bottom: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 56.2493%;"> <iframe ...
{% youtube youtube_id[type][useCookies]%} youtube_id(required): The Youtube video/playlist id. type(optional): The type of the embed. Default isvideo. Other options areplaylist. useCookies(optional): Whether to use cookies. Default istrue. If set tofalse, the embed will not store co...
我正在尝试加载youtube页面并获得<embed>元素,如下所示。但是,无法找到嵌入元素(soup.find('embed')返回None)。v=%s' % (YT_URL, vidId))print soup.find('embed') 但是,当我将汤写入html文件并在浏览器中加载它时,它会加载<embed>元素。如何模拟浏览器加载页面,以便能够看到< ...
# devsec_bot.add("youtube_video", "") # devsec_bot.add("pdf_file", "") # devsec_bot.add("web_page", "") return devsec_bot 函数initBot使用装饰器@st.cache_resource定义的,装饰器主要缓存资源,以避免在用户重新加载 Web 应用程序时重复初始化。而返回值是初始化的 ChatBot 对象,在这里将...