A more advanced way to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint is to use the embed code you can get via the Share button. This method allows you to customize the YouTube video’s attributes by using the YouTube API parameters. Here’s a brief guide on how to embed a YouTube video into yo...
How to Embed Videos from YouTube in PowerPoint Now, let’s look at how to embed a YouTube video in PowerPoint. This is useful if you don’t have your own footage that you want to use. An online clip offers the ability to add new perspectives to your slide. And by adding it to ...
How To Embed a YouTube Video in PowerPointChapter
So far in this series onUsing Music and Videos in PowerPoint Presentations, we’ve restricted ourselves to looking at different ways that music can be incorporated into your slide show. Now, we want to move onto something a little more complex and cover how to embed a YouTube video into a...
Embed a Youtube link into a PowerPoint PPT presentation This interface will let you insert videos not only from YouTube but also presentations from SlideShare, Vimeo and Stream. Other applications like ZamZar will help to convert between different formats. ...
Embedding a YouTube Video in PowerPoint Select the slide where you want to embed the YouTube video. On the “Insert” tab, click the “Video” button. On the drop-down menu, select the “Online Video” option. The Insert Video window that appears lets you search YouTube for a video or...
How to Embed Youtube Videos on a PC in Powerpoint 2010: Have you ever given a presentation and had to exit in order to play a Youtube video? This can greatly throw off the flow of any PowerPoint presentation, and can easily be avoided. You wo
A second way to add a YouTube video into your PowerPoint presentation is with an embed code. This method is a little more advanced than other methods. Follow these steps: 1. Search for the video you require on YouTube. Below the video, there is a share button with anEmbedCopy the code...
Step 4: Fine tune YouTube video in your PowerPoint file You can set specific options for how the video played in the slideshow, do the following, and when you have done, close thePropertiesdialog box. Since the video file from YouTube has a Start/Pause control built into it, if thePlay...
In the 21st century, presentationsneedembedded media. It would be nice to say that time has passed on Death by PowerPoint, but this isn't strictly true. One way in which it might be discouraged, however, is by the addition of YouTube and other media embeds. ...