Gridsome Remark plugin to embed accessible images in markdown. r43vm4nn •1.0.4•4 years ago•0dependents•MITpublished version1.0.4,4 years ago0dependentslicensed under $MIT 26 hexo-tag-twentytwenty Hexo tag to embed Image Comparison Slider Scripts. Image Comparison Slider depend on jQu...
YouTube embed image overlay Submit video id (e.g. in the form bellow. Or append/embed?v=[video_id]directly. Video id:Submit Examples: /embed?v=3BYNj6Yvl8I /embed?v=34rhNOj5YSM...
@coderabbitai read the files in the src/scheduler package and generate a class diagram using mermaid and a README in the markdown format. @coderabbitai help me debug CodeRabbit configuration file. Note: Be mindful of the bot's finite context window. It's strongly recommended to break down...
Ah that's cool. Turns a referenced image in markdown to an attachment, but you're sample notebook is using an output image and not a markdown image. I imagine that's good for portability. Though some of our exporters still have problems with attachments. See #473, #1079, and #1057 ...
.ck-media__wrapper[data-oembed-url*=""] .ck-media__placeholder__icon { background-image: url(...
ImageResizeHandles resizeimagecommand ResizeImageCommand ImageResize imagestyle converters imagestylecommand ImageStyleCommand imagestyleediting ImageStyleEditing imagestyleui ImageStyleUI ImageStyleDropdownDefinition utils ImageStyle ImageStyleConfig ImageStyleOptionDefinition imagetextalterna...
它支持基本的格式和样式,并且你可以将你的文字以 Markdown、ODT、LaTeX 或者 HTML 等格式导出; cloc: 用来统计代码行数,统计结果比较分类比较详细,支持大部分编程语言。 tldr: 如果你经常不想详读man文档,那么你应该试试这个小工具。 cppman:C++ 98/11/14 手册查询 for Linux/MacOS icdiff:分屏显示 diff mc...
Add Pictures to Excel from dyanmically retrieve Byte[] image Adding 4000 child controls to FlowLayoutPanel freezez the scrolling. Adding a timer to a windows service created in Adding borders to cells in excel with visual basic Adding button to a groupbox Adding checkbox to dropdown li...
它支持基本的格式和样式,并且你可以将你的文字以 Markdown、ODT、LaTeX 或者 HTML 等格式导出; cloc: 用来统计代码行数,统计结果比较分类比较详细,支持大部分编程语言。 tldr: 如果你经常不想详读man文档,那么你应该试试这个小工具。 cppman:C++ 98/11/14 手册查询 for Linux/MacOS icdiff:分屏显示 diff mc...
Add Pictures to Excel from dyanmically retrieve Byte[] image Adding 4000 child controls to FlowLayoutPanel freezez the scrolling. Adding a timer to a windows service created in Adding borders to cells in excel with visual basic Adding button to a groupbox Adding checkbox to dropdown ...