There are many issues starting from the flight model, very sensitive and unstable, the MSFS C172 is more stable compared to this one. There are instruments issues first on RMI NDB is not pointing correctly to the station, but the VOR needle points correctly to the station. On the HSI CDI...
EMB-110 BANDEIRANTE MSFS NEXTGEN SIMULATIONS 3 (49) 立即评价 兼容MSFS24 反软件盗版警告 保护您的购买 您购买的飞行模拟器插件在国际上受到版权保护。这确保了创作者的权利得到维护,他们的创新作品得到保护。 为什么软件盗版对所有人都有害 软件盗版破坏了开发者的奉献和创造力。当您下载或分发盗版插件时,会...