Navigate to Mastodon's root directory and run brew install nvm then nvm use to use the version from .nvmrc Run corepack enable && yarn set version classic Run bundle exec rails db:setup (optionally prepend RAILS_ENV=development to target the dev environment) Finally, run overmind start -f Pr...
Company Info Linhai Yongheng Auto Technology Co. , Ltd Street Address : Dongchang Industrial, Jingjiang South Rd, Linhai, Zhejiang City : Taizhou Province : Zhejiang Country/Region : China View Contact Details1 2 Linhai Yongheng Auto Technology Co. , Ltd Linhai...
Open, thenclick New registration. Enter a name for your app, choose account typeAny Azure AD directory - Multitenant, selectWebinRedirect URIEnterhttp://localhost:53682/and click Register. Copy and keep theApplication...
Not only that, but the number of global clocks was increased to 32, for every Embedded magazine 7 VIEW FROM THE TOP device, and internal connectivity options enhanced to allow any region to use any 8 clocks simultaneously. 500 MHz Synchronous Memories and FIFOs On-chip synchronous block RAM ...