email之TO、CC、BCC意义 BCC英文全称是 Blind CarbonCopy(暗抄送)。 两者的差别在于在BCC栏中的收件人能够看到全部的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC),而在TO 和CC栏中的收件人看不到BBC的收件人名。 电子邮件能够有三种类型的收件人,分别to、cc(carbon copy)和bcc(blind carbon copy),各自是收件人、抄送、密送,事实上to和...
1. TO(收件人):这是邮件的主要接收者,预期他们会回复或者采取行动。2. CC(抄送):这些人也会收到邮件副本,但是发送者不期望他们直接回复。3. BCC(密抄):类似于CC,但是收件人不知道其他收到这封邮件的人是谁,保持匿名。4. SUBJECT(主题):简短地描述邮件内容,通常是名词短语,让收件人...
1、TO 致,给。后接邮件的发送对象,表示期望得到该收件人的响应。2、CC (Carbon Copy)副本抄送。表示没有期待对邮件做出回复。3、BCC (Blind Carbon Copy)密件抄送。在群发邮件时,收信人彼此不认识,为了保护收信人的隐私,可以在地址栏To中填上自己,然后将所有收信人都填在Bcc中。4、SUBJECT 标...
to:即send to,后面跟的是你这篇邮件要写给的人,并希望得到他的回复cc: carbon copy 就是抄送,即抄送栏中的人并不是需要直接回复此邮件的人,但是你也希望他知道邮件的内容bcc: blind carbon copy 暗抄送。和cc的区别在于,to那栏的reciever看不到bcc那栏的地址,即并不知道邮件被bcc了。subj...
CC 英文全称是 Carbon Copy(抄送) BCC英文全称是 Blind Carbon Copy(暗抄送)。 两者的区别在于在BCC栏中的收件人可以看到所有的收件人名(TO,CC,BCC),而在TO 和CC栏中的收件人看不到BBC的收件人名 扩展 折叠职场应用规则 1、不要越级发邮件 E-mail的最重要特征就是容易被转发,这一点对于喜欢越级E-mail的“小...
And the term “blind carbon copy,”“blind cc,” or “bcc” was coined to indicate an email sent to recipients who were not disclosed, meaning the other recipients were “blind” to their existence. FAQs: CC vs BCC If you still have questions about the finer points using cc and bcc ...
TO vs CC vs BCC: How to use them correctly Who on your mailing list needs to read the email you’re writing? If you’re sending responses to a group, or keeping an interested party in the loop of the conversation, make sure you’re following the email replies etiquette. ...
Discover the meaning of CC in emails and learn when to effectively use it. We also cover the difference between CC & BCC.
BCC vs. CC email While the primary goal of the BCC field is to make email addresses invisible to recipients, the CC function aims to ensure individuals are kept in the loop so that they’re aware of what’s going on, but their immediate response isn’t always required. ...