READ TABLE lt_adsmtp ASSIGNING <fs_adsmtp> INDEX 1. <fs_adsmtp>-smtp_addr = iv_email. <fs_adsmtp>-smtp_srch = iv_email(20). TRANSLATE <fs_adsmtp>-smtp_srch TO UPPER CASE. <fs_adsmtp>-updateflag = 'U'. ELSE. CLEAR ls_adsmtp. ls_adsmtp-consnumber = 001. ls_adsmtp-flg...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi All, I have the a requirement to send an email from SAP, the format will go like a normal email as such that: TO: receiver@yahoo maintained and will be retrieve from custom table FROM: sender @...
Ping or telnet on port 587 from your SAP application server to make sure ports are open and accessible. Make sure SAP Internet Communication Manager (ICM) parameter is set in your instance profile. See this example: Expand table parametervalue icm/server-port-1 PROT=...
CLEAR OBJCONT.* build up the table of receivers for the emailREC_TAB-RCDAT = SY-DATUM. " the date to send the email REC_TAB-RCTIM = SY-UZEIT. " the time to send the email* the SAP username of the person who will receive the emailREC_TAB-RECNAM = D_USERNAME.* the user type ...
*SAP" 1 -147 Get CurrentUserInfo failed 1 2YM 1 3-TIER Extensibility 3 30 examples 1 505 Technology Updates 53 1 @RetroDate_HireDateCorrection 1 @sapilm @archiving @sapiq 1 @SCPI 2 A Comprehensive Guide to Using OLE Objects in SAP ABAP 1 aATP 1 ABAP 39 ABAP...
SPLITascilinesAT'|'INTOTABLEli_split . CLEARlv_str . LOOPATli_splitASSIGNING<fs_slip> . CLEARlv_token . lv_token = <fs_slip>-token . * Post processing IFp_trim = abap_true . CONDENSElv_token . ENDIF. IFp_neg = abap_true . ...
2 Kudos 171,793 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello All, Is there is any table for Username & Email address. I am having the email address from that I have to find out the username. Regards, VasanthReply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION Former Member 2006 Jun 27 2:30 PM 4 Kudos ...
DATA: lit_file TYPE filetable, l_file_filter TYPE string, l_rc TYPE i. FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_file> LIKE LINE OF lit_file. l_file_filter = 'Excel Template (*.xlt)|*.xlt|Excel Workbook (*.xls)|*.xls|All files (*.*)|*.*'. ...
The ABAP should write the messages into an internal table (e.g. i_mail_body), and distribution list of users should be populated into another internal table (e.g. email_send) . Then call the SAP function as the below example : call function 'SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_SEND_API1' exporting ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, In Table BUT000, we have user first name, last name, persnumber etc.. So, try to fetch persnumber using user last name or first name from table BUT000. (It is case sensitive, if name is 'Amith', give the input in same format,( AMITH , ...